Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Living Room Makeover

I finally made some changes to brighten and perk up my living room!

Living Room

My living room has been a work in progress since I moved in, but initially I just painted the walls, hung some curtains, and added a few throw pillows. Now, I'm trying to finish up on a few things that are still needing improvement.

 This wall has been blah above my TV, so I'm in the process of adding some of my own artwork. I have four CB2 silver frames that I've added, that have 8x10 in matted spaces in each, The frames overall are 18x18 and I decided to try and center them above the TV, instead of with the wall.


I've made a few other adjustments to improve the look of this side of the room. For one, I moved the picture frame set out of the way once my former roommate moved out, and hung two black edged frames above the green chair. I also added different throw pillows to add more color and depth.


Once I finish my current four watercolor paintings I plan to add them to the silver frames closer to spring. In addition to this set, I'm hoping to change them out for each season. 

Above is my couch when I started out and still had my old roommate. 

Since then, I've purchased another pillow and moved one to my green chair. I also re-surfaced the coffee table as well. Unfortunately, my former roommate had a child that he wasn't exactly the best at cleaning up after. At one point, milk had been spilled and it damaged the surface under the glass.  For a quick and easy fix, I added putty, sanded down the area, and covered the surface under the glass with a paint that matches my sideboard doors and drawers. It's not perfect, but will do until I replace the table. I also touched up marks on the walls, and repaired a damaged pantry door. 

Here is the coffee table now. 

My original IKEA chair was also damaged, and had to be replaced. This was fine with me; because I was able to add the matching ottoman, which can be also utilized for more seating while entertaining. 

In addition to updating my chair, I've also added lanterns above the chair for a little extra lighting in the room. 

 Above is a picture from the very beginning before all the updates, damages, pillows, and more.


It's still a work in progress. Some future goals I have are to add hardwood flooring, an area rug, new coffee table, new art work for the frames, and maybe new items to add to the coffee table. 

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Carribean Vacation

 Vacation to Puerto Rico, St. John, and Sint. Maarten.
Beautiful Cinnamon Bay in St. John! I'm ready to go back!

Our veranda was facing off the back of the boat and allowed for incredible views along the trip. This one isn't that impressive, but was the first picture I took on the boat. 

There were two comfortable seats off the back of our veranda. 

 Day one on the ship after leaving Miami.

 During my morning run there were some pretty impressive moments when the sun would open up through the clouds.

 The pool in the early morning. I guess I get up earlier than most retirees!

 Chef lessons for guests on the ship. He did a great job and had a little fan club following him the rest of the trip!

 Sunset from one of the decks.

 Scallops and shrimp!

 A unique take on pudding and a cookie.

 Creme Brulee in raspberry, chocolate and vanilla.

One really fun activity in San Jan was visiting the Castillo San Felipe Del Morro. 

 Very old graffiti in the halls of San Felipe Del Morro.

View from a gunners post. 

Beautiful historic door that was well preserved.

 More views from the top.

This part of the Castillo was added during WWII.

Giant cannon balls are still on display.

Castillo San Felipe Del Morro was made into a historic site in 1961.

 Soldiers beds.

 Gun post from Spanish rule.

 View of the city from Castillo San Felipe Del Morro.

 Just under the surface there is a tunnel running from the fort to a lighthouse that was used during times of war.

 Old small doors in San Juan.

The lighthouse at Castillo San Felipe Del Morro. It was the first constructed in Puerto Rico in 1843.

 Another view of San Juan.

Behind one of the walls that have protected the city for over 350 years under Spanish rule!

Streets of old San Juan.

Shaded street in old San Juan.

Beautiful home in old San Juan.

Of course I had to take a picture of a local wiener dog. It's a must for any doxie lover. 

You must try the local beers wherever you go. This one was one of my favorites for the trip. 

Enjoying plantains in a small restaurant in San Juan. 

 Huge tree in San Juan.

 We watched this seaplane take off and land.
San Juan's capital building.

 Trying some local brews.

 We found a really cool bar in Puerto Rico with great atmosphere and service.

 This photo was taken at Cinnamon Bay Beach St. John, USVI and it was absolutely beautiful. It's a beach over from one of the most famous beaches in the world but mostly locals go to Cinnamon Bay instead of the touristy beach. This one was free to visit as well!

The sand on the beach was so soft and calming too!

 This picture was taken shortly before we left and were on to the next destination!

 Post beach photo while waiting for the bus back to the port.

Enjoying some ice cream after lunch. 

 Here is a view off the back of the boats back pool deck.

More views of sail boats near St. John.

Another view off the back of the boat. It was so peaceful!

Enjoying a beer at the end of the day and before dinner. 

 Sunset in the Atlantic.

 A cobra surprise in the room!

 This was a different boat but was absolutely massive at one of the ports.

 Driving from the Port in Saint Maarten to the airport.
 Last beer in paradise while waiting for our flight. 

Good bye paradise!